Thursday, July 9, 2009

I decided to start a blog for the boys to keep people updated on their progress and I will also try to post recent pictures of them here.

Brody- He is doing well today. He actually went back on the oscillator due to elevated C02, but the doctors have assured us that he is doing well and they have upped his feedings to 3 cc every 3 hours. WOW, buddy. He weighs 1 lb 13 oz. or 840 grams.

Drew- Drew continues to do well. He started feeds yeterday and he is not tolerating them as well as Brody, but we are happy he is eating. He will have an x-ray of his abdomen and chest today as well as an ultrasound to check his brain bleed (as you know he has a Grade IV bleed). I will post those results soon! He weighs 820 grams or 1 pound 12 oz.

We love our little boys so much. Thank you for all the positive thoughts, well wishes and prayers. More to come soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your story..I think about you all everyday. I have to say I just realized that your boys and my dev sahre a birthday...I can't wait to see more..
