Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Right on Time

Well after 109 days in the NICU our little B-man is home. He made it home the day before his due date. Our first night went pretty well. He is on oxygen only 1/8 of a liter flow. He slept in our room last night in the pack-n-play and he is a very loud sleeper! We would have slept better but we kept checking on him every little noise that he made. So far he seems to like his new surroundings. The oxygen equipment has taken over our house.It looks like he will be on the oxygen for a month or two depending on what the pulmonologist says when we followup with him. He had his first pediatrician appointment today and the doc was pleased with how he looks and sounds. It is definitely different bring home a preemie than it was the first time around with Coo. Speaking of big sister, Coo she is doing pretty well with him she just asks "was at" when he cries and then says hi to him. We feel incredibly lucky despite having the challenges that we have had with Brody thus far. Welcome home Brody!


  1. Hi, it's naturalwoman08 from FF. I was so happy to read this post! I've been following your blog from the beginning and have been hoping and praying for the day you'd get to bring the boys home. Great job, Brody! I hope Drew follows soon. :)

  2. Congrats on bringing Brody home!

    I wanted to let you know that I have an award for you all you need to do is come to my blog and pick it up. :)
